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Ethiopia south

14th  Days photo tour experience


Adventure photo tour Ethiopia south

An extraordinary photo trip to the fascinating indigenous peoples in the Omo Valley

For various reasons, this photo trip cannot currently be planned or organized reliably and is therefore not in the program for the foreseeable future.

Experience a part of Africa like you will not find anywhere else on the black continent. Travel through a region marked by the transition from the Abyssinian highlands to sub-Saharan Africa. Coming from the north, you first travel south in the Great Rift Valley along the great lakes through savannah-like landscapes.

Along the lakes of the Great Rift Valley and their wildlife:

The rugged mountain ranges of the Rift Valley rise up to the east and west. On the way you pass through the area of the Oromo-speaking peoples like the Borena, who traditionally live from cattle breeding, but increasingly also from agriculture. On the further journey to the southwest, leave the mountains behind and travel down into the hot plains of the Omo River, on the banks of which you will find a unique mosaic of different peoples who, with their unique hairstyles, body paints and body decorations, have been ethnologists from the all over the world.

Peoples of the Omo Valley: Mursi, Karo, Hamer and Arbore:

You can experience the everyday life of these people at the colorful weekly markets. With a little luck you will witness the Hamer initiation ritual - the bull jump. Another highlight is the visit to the Mursi, whose wives are known for the ideal of beauty of the plate lips. An overnight stay in the garden city of Awassa on the lake of the same name concludes this varied and eventful trip to southern Ethiopia.


  • For nature lovers interested in ethnology

  • Natural phenomenon El Sod Crater and "Singing Fountain"

  • Guests of the Ari, Mursi, Konso and Dorze

  • Colorful weekly markets in Dimeka and Key Afer

  • Crocodiles and hippos in Lake Chamo

  • Abyata Shalla and Mago National Park

  • Optional: bathing extension in the Indian Ocean

  • sufficient time for photographers with professional   


Number of participants:  6-8 people

What awaits you on this adventure photo tour

Travel character and focus of this adventure photo tour 

The most important information for this photo tour

Summary of all information relevant to you 
Alle Details

    Character and requirements of the tour     

This is an adventure photo tour specially designed for photographers in one of the most remote regions of the world. The trip has a pioneering character, which means that it is the first time that it is being carried out with our customers in this form. We work with very experienced local partners who have many years of experience in the implementation of such extraordinary trips in this region in terms of preparation, implementation and safety of guests. It is also specially designed for the time needs of video and photographers, so that in some places, in addition to the usual amount, time and rest is planned for photo and videography with (semi) professional demands.


The detailed travel program

Termine & Preise

Led by Christof Hug-Fleck

next date open

booking code

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Prices per person

from €3,925

Reise z.Z. nicht buchbar


e.g. Currently not bookable

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